Advanced Markdown Techniques
Supported HTML Elements in Markdown
Tags that are not covered by Markdown can be written directly in HTML within the document.
Currently supported HTML elements include: <kbd> <b> <i> <em> <sup> <sub> <br>
, etc. For example:
The above code displays as follows:
Use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Del</kbd> to reboot the computer
<b>This is bold text</b>
<i>This is italic text</i>
<em>This is bold italic text</em>
This is <sup>superscript</sup>
This is <sub>subscript</sub>
This is the first line
This is the second line
Escaping Characters
Markdown uses many special symbols to represent specific meanings. If you need to display a particular symbol, you need to use escape characters. Markdown uses a backslash to escape special characters:
**Bold text**
\*\* Display asterisks normally \*\*
The above code displays as follows:
Markdown supports adding a backslash before the following symbols to help insert them as plain symbols:
\ Backslash
` Backtick
* Asterisk
_ Underscore
{} Curly braces
[] Square brackets
() Parentheses
# Hash mark
+ Plus sign
- Minus sign
. Period
! Exclamation mark