Using Images in Markdown

Markdown Image Syntax

The syntax for adding images in Markdown is as follows:

![alt text](image URL)
![alt text](image URL "Optional Title")
  • Begin with an exclamation mark !
  • Followed by square brackets with the image's alt text
  • Followed by normal parentheses with the image URL, and optionally, a 'title' attribute enclosed in quotes

Example usage:

![Webcode101 Logo](

![Webcode101 Logo]( "Webcode101")

The display results are as follows:

Using Images in Markdown0

You can also use variables for image URLs like you would for links:

This link uses 1 as the URL variable [webcode101][1].
Then assign the URL at the end of the document:


The display result is as follows:

Using Images in Markdown0


Markdown does not currently support setting image height and width. If needed, you can use the standard <img> tag:

<img src="" width="50%">

The display result is as follows: