Markdown List
Markdown Lists
Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists.
Unordered Lists
Unordered lists use asterisks (*), plus signs (+), or hyphens (-) as list markers. These markers should be followed by a space before adding the content:
* Item One
* Item Two
* Item Three
+ Item One
+ Item Two
+ Item Three
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
The display result is as follows:
Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use numbers followed by a dot to indicate the sequence:
1. Item One
2. Item Two
3. Item Three
The display result is as follows:
Nested Lists
To create nested lists, simply add two or four spaces before the options in the sublist:
1. Item One:
- First nested element of item one
- Second nested element of item one
2. Item Two:
- First nested element of item two
- Second nested element of item two
The display result is as follows: