Markdown Paragraphs Formatting
Markdown Paragraphs
Markdown paragraphs have no special formatting; just write the text. Paragraphs are separated by using two or more spaces followed by a return. You can also start a new paragraph by leaving a blank line after the previous one.
Text Styles
Markdown supports the following text styles:
*Italic Text*
_Italic Text_
**Bold Text**
__Bold Text__
***Bold Italic Text***
___Bold Italic Text___
~~Strikethrough Text~~
The display effect is shown below:
Horizontal Lines
You can create horizontal lines with three or more asterisks, hyphens, or underscores on a line, with no other content. You can also insert spaces between asterisks or hyphens. Each of the following will create a horizontal line:
* * *
- - -
The display effect is shown below:
Underlines can be created using the HTML tag:
<u>Underlined Text</u>
The result is shown below:
Footnotes provide additional explanations for text.
The format for Markdown footnotes is as follows:
[^Footnote Text]
Here is an example of using footnotes:
Create a footnote like this [^WebCode101].
[^WebCode101]: Programming tutorial -- Learning not only the technology but also the dreams!!!
The display effect is shown below: